Patient Resources
Please visit the following pages for more information about Buckhead Plastic Surgery in Atlanta.
Download the myTouchMD app to learn about your doctor, staff and facilities. You can explore videos about their procedures, view or print images or documents saved during a consultation or office visit. In addition you can review documents you signed and inform your doctor of your interest in additional services.
Learn about financing options for your plastic surgery procedures at Buckhead Plastic Surgery and non-surgical treatments at LUX Med Spa.
Procedure Pricing
Wondering how much the surgery you want might cost? Find out on our plastic surgery price list.
Overnight Accommodations
Are you coming from out of town for your procedure? Check out this page for information about overnight accommodations so you can relax after your procedure.
Specials and Events
You won’t want to miss out on these monthly specials! Save on that procedure you’ve been wanting.
Q&A with Dr. Larsen
Have a question for Dr. Larsen? Ask here or see what others have been talking about.
See what past patients are saying about their time at Buckhead Plastic Surgery.
RealSelf Patient Reviews
Visit our RealSelf page to read real patient reviews.
Patient Forms
Please be sure to submit the proper information for your visit.
How to Prepare for Plastic Surgery
Surgery can be a lot for your body to recover from; the more prepared you and your body are, the smoother and more comfortable your recovery will be. See our timeline here, with steps you can take to ensure your body is in a peak position to undergo surgery and recover smoothly.
Patient Photo Gallery
The before-and-after photos of Dr. Larsen’s actual patients showcase the kind of results he consistently achieves.
Specials & Events
Don’t miss out on our unique events and special pricing on treatments at Buckhead Plastic Surgery and LUX Med Spa.
Patient Photo Gallery The before-and-after photos of Dr. Larsen’s actual patients showcase the kind of results he consistently achieves.
Specials & Events Don’t miss out on our unique events and special pricing on treatments at Buckhead Plastic Surgery and LUX Med Spa.
Alan N. Larsen, MD.
Double Board-Certified Atlanta Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Larsen established Buckhead Plastic Surgery as a boutique practice to offer world-class, personalized service to women and men throughout the Southeast. Dr. Larsen’s compassion and talent are complemented by his elite training with some of the nation’s finest plastic surgeons.
Alan N. Larsen, MD.Double Board-Certified Atlanta Plastic SurgeonDr. Larsen established Buckhead Plastic Surgery as a boutique practice to offer world-class, personalized service to women and men throughout the Southeast. Dr. Larsen’s compassion and talent are complemented by his elite training with some of the nation’s finest plastic surgeons.