You will likely wake up from surgery with dressings and bandages over your incisions. It’s also common for small plastic tubes to be put in place to drain fluid away from the areas of the incision. An elastic bandage or support bra might be in place to help reduce swelling and aid the healing process. Your medical team will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself as you recover from surgery. 

Most patients can return to work after one week of resting at home, although some patients prefer two weeks. We do advise you to take at least a month off of physical activity. It’s also essential to avoid heavy lifting. It’s normal after breast reduction surgery to feel achy and tired. Your doctor will likely prescribe you painkillers to keep you comfortable in the first few days of your recovery. Then most of the time, Ibuprofen is enough to manage any discomfort you might be feeling. Of course, if you have questions or concerns during your recovery, we are only a phone call away.