Immediately following surgery, you will wake up with a splint on the outside of your nose and sometimes an additional splint will be used for support inside your nose. The first week after a nose job is the most challenging. Few people will experience headaches the first day or two and you will need to make adjustments to your lifestyle while you heal. Things like sleeping with your head elevated and avoid blowing your nose.

The first week after your surgery you will need to take a break from work and your normal responsibilities. That’s right, doctor’s orders! Time to relax. The first week after surgery is a great time to catch up on all those binge-worthy shows you’ve been saving on Netflix. (Just avoid anything that might cause you to shed a tear because you seriously can’t blow your nose.)

Most people find that cold compresses help with the initial swelling, and after about 10 days your splint will be removed. It’s at a point when people usually feel comfortable enough to return to their regular activities, although we advise limited activity and no strenuous workouts for 3 weeks after surgery. When your splint is removed, you’ll have a good idea of what your new face will look like although it’s common for swelling to continue for weeks to months as your face heals.