When can I resume exercise?

2019-11-26T15:06:28-05:00Categories: |

Most patients resume their regular lifestyle within an hour of the procedure. It is recommended that patients resume regular exercise after 24 hours. It is important not to rub or [...]

How long do results last?

2019-11-26T15:01:51-05:00Categories: |

Results will become apparent in 3-10 days, some patients may experience faster onset than others. Maximum results can be seen at two weeks, in which touch ups can be done [...]

Does it Hurt?

2019-11-26T14:59:36-05:00Categories: |

This is one of the most common questions we receive regarding Botox. Some patients report the feeling of a pinch at the injection site. If you are concerned about discomfort, [...]

What is Botox Cosmetic?

2019-11-26T14:53:49-05:00Categories: |

Botox is an injectable cosmetic to reduce the look of lines and wrinkles. It works by reducing the muscle function of facial muscles that with repeated use can lead to [...]