Welcome to Our Video Gallery
Please be aware that some of our videos & photos contain unclothed patients.
Jaci’s Journey: Part 1 – Consultation with Dr. Larsen
Excess Skin Removal After Weight Loss
Our patient Jaci shares her weight loss story at her Pre-Op Consultation with Double-Board Plastic Surgeon, Alan N. Larsen, MD.
Watch Jaci’s whole inspiring story & amazing transformation in the next two videos…
Jaci’s Journey: Part 2 – In the OR with Dr. Larsen
Excess Skin Removal After Weight Loss
It is the day of her surgery and Jaci enters the Chastain Surgery Center in Atlanta, GA to remove the excess skin on her body after natural and extreme weight loss. She’s excited to “start the next chapter in her new life.” Double-Board Plastic Surgeon, Alan N. Larsen, MD. shares his feelings about Jaci’s surgery.
Jaci’s Journey: Part 3 – Post Op Appointment
& Before and After Results with Dr. Larsen
Excess Skin Removal After Weight Loss
Jaci has returned to Buckhead Plastic Surgery to see Double-Board Plastic Surgeon, Alan N. Larsen, MD. for her 3 month Post Operative appointment. Dr. Larsen is pleased with her recovery, which seems to be right on track. Her Before & After results at the end of the video are truly amazing! Jaci has come a long way on her journey and this is just the beginning. Next comes the Body Lift procedure!
Straight from the Pages of Our Before & After Photo Gallery
It’s the… Before & After Mommy Makeover Video
Our patient, a 36 year old mother of 2, came to Buckhead Plastic Surgery, looking to reduce loose skin in her abdomen area and tighten her abdominal muscles. She also wanted to add lost volume back to her breasts. Her breasts were slightly different in size. Double Board Plastic Surgeon, Alan N. Larsen, MD, recommended combating this issue by inserting a smaller implant in the larger breast. Together, Dr. Larsen and his patient decided on a 405 cc implant for the smaller breast and a 345 cc implant for the larger breast. The mommy makeover surgery that Dr. Larsen suggested for his patient, to achieve her ultimate goals consisted of a Breast Aug, a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction to her flanks. Our patient is very happy with her results & is enjoying having her pre baby body back.
Buckhead Plastic Surgery in the News…
‘American Health Front‘ TV Show featuring Dr. Alan N. Larsen
Celebrating National BOTOX Day!:
Fillers & Injectables Through the Ages– The 40s
Candace, a 47 year old – mother of two, came to LUX Med Spa to refresh some of her facial areas that needed a little tweaking, like her thinning lips, crow’s-feet, and the moderate lines around her mouth. Watch her transformation in our new video blog! & Read more about her inspiring story in our accompanying blog article: “Fillers & Injectables Through the Ages – The 40s”
Featured Video Journal:
Tummy Tuck Surgery Video
During the Tummy Tuck procedure, also known as an Abdominoplasty, Dr. Larsen removes excess skin and fatty tissue, adding extra muscle tightening, while repairing his patient’s Diastasis Recti and Umbilical Hernia at the time of surgery. View her amazing before and after results in our new “Tummy Tuck Surgery Video” Blog Article.
Featured Video Journal:
Mommy Makeover – Body Lift + Remove Replace Breast Aug Revision
LUX Med Spa Video Journal:
Chin Augmentationwith JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™ XC
Featured Video Journal:
Lower Eyelid Surgery
Patient Testimonial Video:
Labiaplasty Surgery & Patient Testimonial Video
Patient Testimonial Video:
Courtney’s miraDry Procedure & Testimonial Video
LUX Med Spa Video Journal:
Moxi Fractional Laser – Patient Testimonial Video
Kari shares her positive experience and great results following her Moxi Laser treatment. Kari, a mother of two, found the treatment to be painless, fast and easy. After one treatment she saw fines lines around her eyes were diminished, her hyperpigmentation was gone and the new fresh skin on her face was bright and glowing.
MOXI™ is the easy way to “prejuvenate” your skin. MOXI™ comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging, no matter the season or your skin type. You’ll love the fact that this lunchtime procedure can fit into your active lifestyle any time of year.