-everything you want to know about lip injections
Have you been curious about lip injections but not sure if they are right for you? Then we are here for you! Read on to learn more about this popular service.
How long do they last?
This is often the first question patients ask. We don’t blame you! When you’re considering adding a new step into your beauty regime, you want to know what to expect. The answer may vary slightly from person to person, depending on how your body reacts to the product. However, with HA (hyaluronic Acid) fillers, your results can last up to 12 months.
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Does it hurt?
At LUX Med Spa, your comfort and safety are always our top priorities. The fillers we use are mixed with lidocaine. We also use a topical numbing cream to ease the discomfort of the injection.
Are injections only for plumping lips?
No. Many patients believe this is only a treatment to enhance the volume of your lips, but injections are also commonly used to treat lip lines. Lip lines are frequently referred to as “smoker lines”. As we age, it is normal for areas around the lips to lose volume. You’ll be amazed at what a little volume can do to help.
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How much does it cost?
The cost is based on the brand and the amount of product used. Prices range from $450-$700.
Avoid Blood Thinners
For seven days before your appointment, you should avoid blood thinners. This includes alcohol! (Ok, maybe one glass of wine…) but keep in mind that alcohol can cause inflammation. Other blood thinners to avoid are aspirin, Aleve, ibuprofen, and fish oil.
This is good advice for every day, but especially in the days leading to your appointment. Increase your water intake and it will improve your body’s ability to heal.
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Don’t massage your lips after injections. Massaging your lips after injection can risk moving the filler around, causing uneven results. You’ll also want to pass on exercise for 24 hours. Although lip injections do not technically require downtime, it’s best to minimize blood flow to your face and focus on relaxing until the product settles.
It’s important to consider that your lips might be swollen or bruised. This is normal and will subside after a few days. It is helpful to begin taking Arnica two days before your appointment. This will help with bruising and swelling. If you’re planning to get injections before a big event or family photo session, make sure you plan accordingly.
Why choose LUX for my beauty treatments?
LUX Med Spa has a fantastic reputation for excellence in service and patient comfort. Dr. Larsen is a double board-certified plastic surgeon, and he has hand-picked a team of individuals for LUX Med Spa. LUX Med Spa is known for their reputation to maintain the high level of patient care and optimal results.
Call us today at 404.367.9005 to book your complimentary consultation and see what a difference a visit to LUX Med Spa can make for you!
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