Breast augmentations and breast lifts are two popular breast surgeries that can help you boost your confidence. Whether you’re experiencing drooping breasts from age or pregnancy or simply want to enhance naturally small breasts, these procedures can help give you the self-confidence you deserve. 

Not sure where to begin when deciding between breast lift vs. breast augmentation? This guide explores the difference between these two procedures to help you decide what’s right for you. In some cases, both procedures may be done at the same time to help you achieve your desired results.

Differences Between Breast Lift vs. Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation and a breast lift can complement each other, however, they are two different procedures. The breast augmentation procedure is designed to enhance volume in your breasts, creating a larger overall shape. 

Women who have naturally small breasts or those who have lost volume from pregnancy or breastfeeding may desire to add more volume through a breast augmentation procedure. At Buckhead Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of options for sizes for breast augmentation ranging from a little enhanced fullness to more volume.

Unlike a breast augmentation, a breast lift does not enhance the volume of the breast. Instead, a breast lift changes the shape and position of the nipple-areolar complex to create a perkier, more rounded appearance. This procedure is ideal for women who are experiencing sagging breasts that appear elongated or droopy and want to restore a more youthful appearance to their breasts.

How BPS Can Help

Dr. Alan Larsen at Buckhead Plastic Surgery and his team use state-of-the-art techniques for both breast augmentation and breast lift procedures. We understand that the decision is deeply personal for each woman and are here to help you decide which procedure is best for you. It is our goal to help you feel more confident about your body and regain the look you desire.

From start to finish Dr. Larsen helps guide you through a personalized breast augmentation or breast lift procedure, ensuring all of your questions are answered. Buckhead Plastic Surgery uses the most advanced generation of silicone gel implants for breast augmentation, allowing implants to look and feel more like natural breast tissue than saline implants.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What factors should I consider when deciding between a breast lift and breast augmentation?

Choosing between a breast lift and breast augmentation is a personal decision based on aesthetic goals and preferences. A breast lift can help create a more youthful appearance of the breasts without the need for implants. However, this procedure may not be suitable for those who want to increase the volume of their breasts.

Can breast lift and breast augmentation be performed simultaneously?

Yes, a breast lift and breast augmentation procedure can be performed simultaneously. Choosing to have both procedures is a great option for patients who want to change both the shape and size of their breasts. Performing both a breast lift and breast augmentation in one surgery helps shorten recovery time and eliminates the need for two separate surgeries.

How do I determine which procedure will help me achieve my desired results?

As a double-board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Larsen and his team have the experience and knowledge to help guide you through the process of selecting the best procedure for you. During your consultation, we’ll learn more about your aesthetic goals and ask questions to hone in on the best treatment plan for you. Our team is here to guide you in achieving your desired results through a breast lift, breast augmentation, or both procedures.

Book a Consultation with Dr. Larsen Today

Are you ready to achieve a body you feel great about? Dr. Larsen is here to help you create a customized surgical plan after discussing your cosmetic goals and conducting a physical examination. Our team is here to help answer all of your breast lift vs breast augmentation questions to ensure you achieve the best results. Reach out to us today to begin your journey!