Have you been considering a facelift? A facelift is a great way to turn back the clock and rejuvenate your look by reducing sagging skin and eliminating wrinkles. There is a lot to think about when considering cosmetic surgery, from final results, to recovery time. Many people wonder when is the perfect time to get a facelift. Still, other patients worry or think it’s too early or too late to get a facelift. Don’t worry; we’re here to answer all your questions!

The Best Age For A Facelift

If you’re wondering what the perfect age for a facelift is, the bottom line is there is no ideal age. Only you can determine if plastic surgery is suitable for your body. As for the perfect time to schedule your procedure, it all depends on what signs of aging you’re experiencing and your long-term goals, genetics, and desire to have cosmetic surgery. 

Some patients find it surprising that many people choose to get a facelift in their 40s. Although historically, more patients waited until later in life to schedule this procedure. Meaning in the past, people tended to wait until their 50s or even their 60s before they thought about a facelift procedure; patients today are more proactive about the aging process. You might be surprised to hear there are many benefits to getting a facelift earlier. 

What Are The Benefits Of Getting A Facelift Earlier?

Patients who choose to get a facelift earlier in life benefit from a less dramatic change in their appearance. Facelifts can provide a significant shift; getting this procedure before your face has aged drastically can result in a more natural-looking result. The results are more subtle, and you will age more gracefully. 

 Getting a facelift earlier in life means your healing process is easier and faster. Your body produces more collagen and elastin in your 40s than in your 50s and 60s, resulting in better-concealed scars. Your results may last longer, and the procedure can often be less expensive than continuing yearly filler maintenance throughout the decades.

Before & After Photos

Facelift & Neck Lift | Buckhead Plastic Surgery - Northeast AtlantaFacelift & Neck Lift | Buckhead Plastic Surgery - Northeast Atlanta

Types Of Facelifts

Once you’ve decided to get a facelift, the next decision will be what TYPE of facelift. There are a few popular options; if you aren’t sure which one is right for you, give us a call, and we can schedule a consultation to discuss the possibilities. Popular choices include:

 Mini Facelift

This option is probably the most popular with patients in their 40s. It’s best for those patients who need minimal improvement as it only addresses issues in the lower half of the face around  and is an excellent option if you only have minimal signs of aging. 

 Full Facelift

Also known as a traditional facelift is what most people think of when they think of a facelift procedure. It’s ideal for people with moderate to severe signs of aging, this procedure addresses the lower face and neck, as well as a browlift to address the upper half of the face. This surgery removes excess facial fat and skin and reshapes it to a more flattering youthful contour. It can produce drastic results, and most patients are pleased with their new look. 


This surgery can remove excess fat and tissue from the neck. In addition, this surgery can provide a more youthful and defined look; many prefer to pair a neck lift with their facelift surgery for optimal results and a cohesive look.

Which One Is Right For Me?

Only you can determine if a cosmetic procedure is correct for you. However, we want you to feel your best at every age at Buckhead Plastic Surgery. Dr. Larsen is a double-board-certified plastic surgeon who works with patients of all ages. We provide facelifts for patients as early as their 30s and as late as their 60s. It’s never too late to improve your look! Contact us today to book your consultation if you’ve been considering a facelift. Our talented staff can examine the areas you’d like to treat and discuss all the possible treatment options. We’ll work hard to answer all your questions and design a customized treatment plan to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Call us today at 404.367.9005 to get started!

The BPS Guide to Facelifts & Neck Lifts

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